Order a custom painting
Commission a custom painting to immortalize a favorite landscape in watercolor or acrylic! I paint landscapes to capture their beauty and the memories associated with memorable trips and moments, and I'd love to capture your special landscape for you too. Choose from various painting sizes and personalize the paining with subtle stylistic additions if you so desire. I can paint the landscape as it appears or I can add more color or pen outlines to capture the feelings of the place in any way you choose. Look through my galleries to get a feel for my style of painting and what you'd like to see me create for you.
*Acrylic only
**Additional sizes available upon request
How it works:
Submit the form below to get in contact with me, select a painting size, and provide some initial images of the landscape you would like me to paint. The table to the left shows some of the sizes I offer as well as their base price. Each commission’s final cost will be based on a variety of factors including the size of the commission, the cost of materials, time required, etc.
I will reach out to you to discuss the particulars of your commission with you including materials, timeline, any stylistic preferences, and estimated cost.
I will send you a price sheet and an invoice for the initial deposit and my quote for the final cost of the painting based on your desired medium/materials, painting complexity, anticipated shipping cost, etc. The deposit will be half of the final cost and will be applied toward the final cost of your commission.
Then I get started on your painting! I will send you a photo when I am nearing the end of the painting process and will make revisions* to ensure you are happy with the final product before I ship it to you.
Once the painting is complete, I will send you the final invoice (including shipping), and send you your new painting!
Rights to reproduce the painting do not transfer when you purchase it.
Wild Studio retains all rights to make products of the digital version of commissioned work, including, but not limited to: prints, stickers, cards, apparel, etc. If you would like to purchase exclusivity of your original, an additional fee may be negotiated.
*I do not charge for minor revisions, but I will charge 10-15% of the total commission price for major revisions. The difference between major and minor revisions is up to my discretion depending on the amount of work required.
Please let me know if you have additional questions. I would love to work with you!
Order a Commission!
Interested in a commission? Fill out some info and I will be in touch shortly! can't wait to hear from you!